A Profit Calculator for the Financial Health of Your Business

Grow the business YOU WANT.

Let us show you how to make your numbers work for you.

Every entrepreneur has a number. Our Simplified Profit Calculator helps you find the path to hit it sooner.

  1. Find your number

  2. Input data

  3. Play with the controls

  4. Build a path forward

Permission backed by proof.

How much money do you need your business to make each month to give you what you want?

Every entrepreneur has a number. Most of us just don’t know it yet.

We’ve built businesses on optimism and hard-won grit, relentlessly pushing toward the next threshold and believing it will come.

But what’s enough? At what point will you say, “My time is worth more than having X more dollars in the bank”? (Any parents in the house?)

Every entrepreneur has a number. After all, we’re not robots.

I’ve created the Simplified Profit Calculator to encourage entrepreneurs to name their number and hit it sooner. It’s essential to know your goal before working toward it, and just aiming for “success” or “wealth” or “growth” doesn’t cut it. 

The Simplified Profit Calculator helps you take your desired monthly net profit and use four basic inputs to see if your business is on track to get you there. 

This is a totally free resource meant to help you on this journey. It’s free to download and use, and if you want to dig deeper into the process, we would love to hear from you.

Every entrepreneur has a number. At Amplify, we believe in a whole-person approach to business. Our “why” is to help entrepreneurs live theirs. Don’t let the default lingo trick you into thinking more is always better. 

Growth is not good growth unless it’s serving the life you actually want.


Profit analysis chart showing product and system metrics with a graph comparing current and target net profit